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Tuesday 12 May 2009

Salsa: Enchufla

This move is common in Rueda. A great list of Rueda moves can be found in the wikibook about Rueda. We take some information from there.

There are quite a few variations of the name: enchufa, enchufla, enchufa, enchufe, or even enshufta. There are more videos on YouTube with name "enchufla", so we use it here. In English it means "plug her".

The leader turns the follower to her left, and at the same time moves around so that when she has finished her turn she is facing him. It's about 140 degrees around. This is common for enchufla to be followed by dile que no.

The video below is by YouTube user strictlysalsa. This is for the dance school in Glasgow & Edinburgh.

Enchufla on dancetuts.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for the article, very interesting. We have created an article that specifically talks about the word enchufla, from where this comes what is the term itself. Here we leave the link for your interest
    Thank you
