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Monday 21 September 2009

Salsa: Ocho

Ocho ("eight" in Spanish) is a combination when first a leader does a right turn and after him a follower does a right turn too, thus "drawing" a fugure 8 on the dance floor. There may be a several combination: a partner leaves his hand on waist level, or does an under-arm turn, or when the follower turns the leader may do a half turn to lead "no look walk through" after it.

There are several dances on DanceTuts where ocho salsa figure is tagged. On the video below it is nicely combined with several other intermediate salsa moves. You may watch this video with moves subtitled here.

The video is by "Latin Dance Factory" dance school from Houston, Texas. (YouTube user latindancefactory). They have a nice collection of intermediate level tutorials. Here is another one with moves subtitled. There they have "ocho" move too, followed by "no look walk through".

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Beyonce's Single Ladies

Some hip hop videos are now on the site.

On the video below Michelle Hillier explains the moves from Beyonce's video clip "Single Ladies".

Saturday 5 September 2009

Jazz: Step Touch

We will be filling jazz dance moves section on the site. Most of the jazz dance instructional videos on YouTube are from expertvillage. Here is a basic one introducing to step touch move